WebCam On Off Recorder (Portable)

WebCam On-Off +Recorder

(Portable) / 5 MB

Webcam Recorder For all application.Webcams may let you stay in touch with friends and family also a webcam allows you to record and stream video from your computer or laptop to the Internet or a video file

Webcams may let you stay in touch with friends and family also a webcam allows you to record and stream video from your computer or laptop to the Internet or a video file. When you are not using your webcam, you may wish to disable it to ensure it is not recording by accident and they also pose risks of people hacking into them and spying on you surely ,Malware can take over webcams, so there is potential for your camera to spy on you , Most hackers utilize so-called Trojan horse attacks , they can take control of your webcam and make videos and take pictures of you without your knowledge.

If you’re a parent, there are a few reasons why you may want to disable your webcam, all of them having to do with safety. Video instant messaging and websites aren’t always child-friendly, and you may decide disabling your webcam is your best recourse. If you have an external webcam, unplug the USB cord that connects the camera to the computer, and hide the camera somewhere your kid won’t find it! , But it is not the best way because if you need it every 2 – 3 hours will you hide it again and again ? and what about if you have a built-in camera ?
The Washington Post highlighted an unnerving study published at Johns Hopkins University which found that a laptop webcam can function in relative secrecy-a slightly subtler Eye of Sauron Webcam-spying-particularly the variant that involves disabling LED indicator lights-takes quite a bit of effort, but the practice isn’t limited to the realm of benevolent academics. The FBI has also publicly acknowledged its ability to employ such techniques when investigating criminal activity
As you see disable the webcam completely is the safest way to protect your Privacy because of that we coded “WebCam on – Off” software , it is a Portable Freeware , you can use it to easily disable or Enable your WebCam device , Please Don’t let reality television into your house.

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